If you have a hectic lifestyle, you know that being constantly on the go is just part of the routine. However, taking the time for massage therapy in Chattanooga TN can be a useful tool that can help you continue performing at your very best. This is due to the fact that a massage can do more than clear your conscience and ease your muscles. Massage Therapy in Chattanooga TN can keep your body in tip-top shape to help you - be you!
When your body is dealing with pain, it can be tough to deal with even the most routine errands. A massage can help you overcome these aches and pains by restoring the blood passages to your back, giving those muscles a quick pick me up in the form of oxygen. The result is the all-natural painkiller, endorphins, being released by your brain to bring you back to life.
Licensed Massage Therapist in Chattanooga TN
Dawn Bradley is the licensed massage therapist at Mountain Creek Chiropractic. She uses many different techniques and is available for 30-minute, 60-minute, and 90-minute massages. Contact Dawn Bradley at (423) 593-2398 to set up a massage today! She is more than happy to help you understand and enjoy the benefits of massage therapy.