Chiropractic Testimonials

"Dr. Davy has an amiable smile and confident hands. The office managers are so nice, and very helpful. Best chiropractic experience I've ever had!"

- L.B.

"EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT!!! I have always been skeptical of Chiropractors, but this was an AMAZING experience. Dr. Davy Addison and Michael were very friendly, kept me informed every step of the way, and very professional! My only complaint is I did not go sooner! Very clean and beautiful atmosphere! My first visit I had X-Rays (my choice) an adjustment...Thanks for saving my shoulder and back!"

- Nicole D.

Sue suffered from pain in arm and shoulder muscles.

"Being in a wheelchair, it makes it hard to work my chair properly. I used Advil, hot and cold packs until I started to see Dr. Chris. I noticed improvement about 2 or 3 weeks after treatment. Chiropractic has made it painless in using the chair and I have discontinued some of my medications taken for pain."

- Sue

Tom was having pain in his shoulder.

"It hurt a lot and I tried prescription medications which were not effective. Initially I noticed improvement in one month. Now my pain is not as frequent and less severe but I get almost immediate relief with an adjustment. By helping me eliminate pain that might easily be mistaken for heart related pain, I am able to more easily identify any pain that IS heart-related and act accordingly. I am also able to do more exercise without pain which improves my cardiovascular."

- Tom

Lisa had problems with vertigo.

"Vertigo had nearly ruined my life. Many times I was only able to sit on my couch. Even putting a fresh paper towel on the rack was a lot of effort. I was thinking I might have to not work, go on disability and be destitute! I tried the hanging your head exercises, that kind of worked but really only time made the after effects dissipate. The very first adjustment was better! By the second treatment the vertigo was gone!! Over time I have learned 'tricks' to keep it at bay. I also learned that I have a wheat intolerance. Through talking to Dr. Chris, I lost a bunch of weight, look great, feel great and have returned to fullness of life."

- Lisa

Gae suffered from low back pain.

"That caused hardships in my job. I traveled for a living across 5 states. I had chronic pain that caused me to not do a lot of hobbies that I wanted and enjoyed. The pain also zapped my energy. I took pain pills and muscle relaxants for 2 years. I started having terrible pain after traveling on a plane. I could barely walk. I drove from North Carolina straight to Dr. Chris. The daily treatments and adjustments cleared up the problem and I was so much better in a few weeks."

- Gae

Pamper had neck and back pain.

"Consistent, recurring pain made regular life activities difficult. I used OTC meds, taken as necessary. I noticed improvement from chiropractic care in 1-2 months. Adjustments help your body to do its own optimum healing. Also, Dr. Chris has solid advice and suggestions about any health matter. He is so very knowledgeable and common sensed. I am just overall much healthier now than before I started chiropractic care."

- Pamper

Our younger patients are still working on sentence construction, but smiles mean a lot!


10:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

10:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

10:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

10:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm



Mountain Creek Chiropractic
3828 Dayton Blvd
Chattanooga, TN 37415
(423) 266-0900